...................................................................LET US LEARN TOGETHER WHAT IS GOOD. Job 34:4b(NIV)................................................................Some people see the Bible as a long and boring book filled with incidents and events from the lives of ancient people who probably never existed. The biblical stories are seen as fables. Notably, Romans 15:4 reveals: For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.(KJV) In this blog, many of the situations and conversations found in the divinely inspired Scriptures of the Holy Bible have been placed in categories that correspond to expressive sayings and phrases. Reference information, background information and links connecting the people and places are given to help you find a place to begin reading the Bible for yourself.

Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Everybody Everywhere

And Cain talked with Abel his brother: and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him. And the LORD said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother's keeper? And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground. And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand; When thou tillest the ground it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth. And Cain said unto the LORD, My punishment is greater than I can bear. Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, that every one that findeth me shall slay me. And the LORD said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him. And Cain went out from the presence of the LORD, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden. And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch.-Genesis 4:8-17***The divinely inspired Scriptures of the Holy Bible reveal that the Lord God created Adam, the 1st man. The Lord God formed Adam from the dust of the ground, and the Lord God made Adam's wife Eve, the mother of all living, after taking a part out of Adam. After the fall of man in the Garden of Eden, and before Adam could eat from the tree of life, the Lord God sent Adam out from the Garden of Eden. Sometime thereafter, Cain and Abel were born to Adam and Eve. Cain and Abel brought offerings to the Lord God, and the Lord God looked favorably upon Abel and Abel's offering, and the Lord God did not respect Cain and Cain's offering. The Lord God spoke to Cain, and Cain spoke with Abel and killed  Abel. While living in Nod, Enoch was born to Cain and his wife. Seth was another son born to Adam and Eve. Enos was born to 105-year-old Seth. Cainan was born to 90-year-old Enos. Mahalaleel was born to 70-year-old Cainan. Jared was born to 65-year-old Mahalaleel. Enoch was born to 162-year-old Jared. Enoch walked with the Lord God, and was well pleasing to the Lord God, and Enoch was alive and 365 years old when the Lord God took him. Enoch was the great-grandfather of  Noah the ark builder. Shem was born to Noah, and Arphaxad was born to Shem. Shem was the great-great-great-great-great-grandfather of Terah. Abraham (Abram the Hebrew) and Sarah (Sarai) were born to Terah. Isaac was born to 100-year-old Abraham and 90-year-old Sarah. When Isaac was 40 years old, he was married to Rebekah, Abraham and Sarah's grandniece. Fraternal twin sons Esau (Edom) and Jacob  (Israel) were born to 60-year-old Isaac and Rebekah. In Padan Aram, Haran, Jacob was married to Leah and Rachel, the daughters of Rebekah's brother Laban the Syrian (Aramean). Judah was the 4th son born to Jacob and Leah, and Joseph was Jacob and Rachel's firstborn son. Approximately 1,900 years after Benjamin was born near Bethlehem to Jacob and Rachel, and Rachel died, Jesus the Christ, the Son of God, was born. Jesus was conceived of the Holy Spirit in the womb of Mary, a virgin, and Jesus was born in Bethlehem into the tribe of Judah to Mary and her husband Joseph when Mary was a virgin.-Genesis, 1 Chronicles 1:1-34, 2:1-17, 3:1-24, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts 1:1-26, 1 Timothy 2:1-15, Hebrews 11:1-40, 1 John 3:1-24
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